Best Know 8 Documents Required for Amazon Seller India

documents required for amazon seller

Here we know what kind of documents required for amazon seller account India. Amazon is a platform for sellers to list their products and for buyers to find and purchase products. Amazon is a big marketplaces and opportunity to launch and advertise easily in all over the country. Sellers on Amazon can be individuals or businesses. To sell on Amazon’s Marketplace, you’ll need to create a seller account and register as a business. It is very easy to register a seller account in, you can do this registration in just 10 to 15 minutes, so let’s go ahead and know what amazon seller required documents for registration. However, Friends, while registering seller on Amazon, Pin code plays an important role, if your selling location (pick up location) does not come in the service of Amazon, then you will not get benefits of Amazon Easy ship. But you can go with the Easy Ship.

Documents Required for Amazon Seller

There are many requirements when you start a business in Amazon Seller Central. In particular, you need to pay attention to tax and bank account issues. I will list all the documents required for amazon seller to get help for registration as seller account on

1.    An email Id

2.    Mobile No.

3.    Bank Account

4.    GST Certificate

5.    PAN No.

6.    Cancelled Cheque (Need to Upload)

7.    Electricity Bill

8.    One Scanned Signature (Need to Upload)

Additionally, Amazon may require additional documentation for certain products or categories, or if they suspect any fraud or violation of their policies.

If you need help with creating an Amazon Seller Central account and boosting your sales, consider reaching out to Ecom Service. They specialize in helping individuals and businesses set up and succeed on Amazon’s marketplace.

How to calculate profit margin please click here. For seller Registration please click here

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